Dog dynamics in Mongar

The grisly old dog in Mongar told Dawa to avoid the place that some bosses called ‘our area’ and where the followers of the bosses gathered. These groups gathered in front of the main shops, the parking lot and the Dzong area, wanting to be seen by all in self-importance. They had the knack for looking busy and important, even if they were actually doing nothing beyond simply letting out a yelp or a useless bark every now and then. Their eyes darted in all the directions, and they fidgeted unceasingly while saying they are busy as if it was a magical mantra that would make them busy.

The ordinary dogs scavenged in the dark alleys between the houses and the shops, letting the fidgety busy ones keep to themselves. Most of the time, the ordinary dogs found enough food in these places to fill their bellies and were content. They lived by a simple philosophy that they do not desire what they cannot see. The threshold of happiness for these dogs was very low, and they were happy most of the time.
