Chapter 8: Back in Bumthang

Dawa decides to go back to Bumthang and on the way he meets with a gray mangy dog. Dawa feels pity for the gray dog because he is not being treated well by the humans as well as by other dogs. Towards the morning Dawa finds that the mangy ridden dog had died and a woman is worried how to get rid of the carcass. Not wanting to see or hear any more Dawarushes off towards Bumthang.

When Dawa is about to reach Thrumshingla, he meets with a yellow dog who induce Dawa to go to Choekor valley. Upon reaching Choekor, Dawa decides to visit the village on the plateau and meets with two dogs called Zorro and Tangpa. Dawa stays for three days with his new found friends, who gladly shared their food with him.
